Our Team.
Meet the curious, hilarious, amazing, and passionate group of people that make our team a family.
Our Exec.

Tessa Uviedo
Nicole Lin
Julianne Hannon [Systems Lead]

June Yin
[MechE Lead]
Youry Moise
[Co-EE Lead]
Jake Li
[Co-EE Lead]
Leala Nakagawa
[Aero Lead]

Yaakov Zerykier
[Sourcing Lead]
Nichole Li
[Media Lead]
The Mechanical Engineering sub-team designs and manufactures the entire mechanical system of the car including the suspension, steering, roll cage, and braking systems. They also account for the ballast and weight distribution when making all of their design decisions. They're also our "jacks-of-all-trades," balancing all the needs of the other sub-teams. EE needs a place to mount the battery? No problem - MechE's got that covered.
MechE is also responsible for force analysis on all structural components of the car, accounting for stresses and displacements. They also design to optimize our strength-vs-weight ratio.

Eric Delgado
[Front Suspension
Jorge Ramos-Munoz
[Front Suspension]
Talia Gershon
[Front Suspension]
Holden Hall
[Back Suspension
Candace Ramirez
[Back Suspension]